WellnessShannon Owens

A letter from my body to me re: your next quarantine period

WellnessShannon Owens
A letter from my body to me re: your next quarantine period

Hey girl, hey! hope you’re doing well and all that. Love what you’ve done with the master bedroom, bathroom and closet. Loving the walk/jog thing you’ve started too, but got some news. 

SO, for this next period we’re going to do a few new things. Big stuff, very exciting.

So first, no breakouts. At all. Yaaayyy! We know, we know, nobody is seeing you anyway and Zoom does a nice visual optimization but regardless, NO BREAKOUTS THIS MONTH! Woop! 

You’ll also not be moody. Again, we know- nobody is around you to get the brunt of it anyway, but we said what the hell- let’s leave it off the roster. Seemed like more fun. 

What you WILL have though, is just a bit of melancholy. Just a smidge. Not sad, but not exuberantly happy either. Just a nice in between that’s like...what is it...like a... like a “meh”. A “meh”, really. That’s the best way to describe it. ALSO, lots of fatigue. Like...lots. Good luck staying awake, LOLz!

And then, as a bonus really, nausea. You’re going to be just a bit nauseous and juuust a bit dizzy...all. day. every. day. Until your period starts in a few days. F-U-N, FUN, amiright?

Also we can’t do anything about the super-terrible allergies you’re experiencing, sorry! 

Ok, byeeee!